Advertising Services
Proud of being the Premium Google & Facebook Partner in Vietnam, CleverAds provides a diverse service system which always keeps pace with the updated Digital Marketing trend, with online advertising formats such as: advertising on search platform, social media, display netwwork, and even more.
Grow your business with Google Ads

Be seen by customers at the very moment they're searching on Google for the things you offer. Only charge fee when user clicks on your ads. Whether they’re on desktop or mobile, a well-timed ad can turn people into valuable customers.

Marketing in Social Media

In the era of the growing Internet, the use of Social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn is not only gradually penetrating into every corner of our lives,... but also a foundation of effective online marketing platform for businesses.

Social network is a place where you can interact with your customers on a daily basis, also a channel that allows you to answer all customer questions quickly.

Marketing on Mobile

Advertising targeting mobile users (smartphones) on Google, Facebook and OTT platforms. In particular, we have a lot of experience in implementing effective mobile campaigns for installation & usage applications.

Marketing on other platforms

Online advertising is an important, fast, flexible and measurable way to deliver a company's marketing messages to people around the world. Advertising is now not just a regular banner image anymore but has come to integrate with information and utilities that attract more users.

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